6 Secret Keys of Artist Development To Manifest Your Music + Step Into the Dream Now

This post helps you get started, but that’s only the beginning. My Step Up to the Spotlight Artist Development Program will take you step-by-step through the artist development process to build your artistry and career. This is the same process I’ve used to help my clients win Grammy Awards, get featured in Rolling Stone, secure major licensing deals, get signed to management and labels, and live the dream. What would it feel like to be regularly performing to thousands of people singing the words to your songs and supporting your career by the end of this year? Grab a seat in my Step Up Program and find out how.


6 Secret Keys of Artist Development To Manifest Your Music + Step Into the Dream Now

The keys to manifesting your music are encoded within you. Unlocking those codes is found as you walk the journey of artist development.

We’ve all heard about the Law of Attraction and using positive affirmations and vision boards to manifest. While it helps you to envision what you want, your music is born as you walk the path.

The key to manifesting your dream is to step into your artistry more fully. To hold nothing back. Music takes a good amount of time to create, so the first step is to make time for it.

Artist Development is such a vital part of the growth and success of an artist. When you implement these 6 secret keys, it will help you align with your authentic self so you can manifest your music and purpose with more ease, and step into the dream sooner than you realize.

My mission is lifting artists and helping them rise to their best work and help them remember who they are. I hope it helps you to rise to great heights and inspire generations to come.

Here are my 6 Secret Keys of Artist Development To Manifest Your Music + Step Into the Dream Now.

1. Releasing music with a high level of artistry

One of the secret keys to manifesting your music is to consciously elevate your artistry every year. Artist development and mastery is a precious commodity in music.

It is the magic and holy fire that ignites your artistry to empower your vision in the world.

Spending ample time working on your craft and artistry is one of the most positive things you can do for your music.

With the availability of social media, artists often feel pressured to get music out. But this can steal your creative energy out from under you. Artists need a lot of time in development and exploration to hone their ideas, polish their craft and to create.

Try to resist the temptation to release music before it is ready and instead, infuse your music with a higher level of artistry so when you do release music it gets noticed.

Here are some of the ways to uplevel your music to a high level of artistry.

  • Vocals on your record: Too many of you are settling for the voice you were born with – this is a huge mistake. Talent is born, and achievements are built. Your born voice is just a starting point in what you are capable of artistically. Train to reach your potential. You’ll never know what you are missing until you do it properly. Train with my Cole Vocal Method and get proven results. Used by Grammy winners.

Start here: Singers Gift Vocal Warmups

Resist the urge to put out music before it’s ready before it’s fully arrived— and before you’ve truly honed your sound and direction. With 100k songs being released on Spotify daily that’ll set you back to the tune of thousands.

  1. While working on your masterpiece, you can release “works in progress” or demos along the way to get feedback from listeners and industry expert. Here’s what I recommend to nitially to get stuff out – put it on Soundcloud to get feedback. You can learn a lot by posting your preliminary material on what people like and it can help you hone your style and sound.
  2. Get some A&R Direction to hone your sound and direction so your writing can go in the right direction.
  3. Once your music represents you, go to digital service providers like Spotify to release your music.

Start here: A&R Direction: Hone your sound and direction. A&R is the process of developing the material to align with the artists’ personality and brand. Grab a Private A&R Session to develop your A&R Profile to use for your next project.

Set up an A&R Direction Session: Click here to learn more.

2. Align with an abundant musician mindset

In order to be successful and step into your abundance as a music artist you will want to undo some old programming to step into a new framework that will support you and your music. 

The poor starving artist vs. that abundant musician mindset

To be frank— the music business was set up to disempower and confuse artists to steal revenue away from them. However, now that you know that, you don’t have to align with that frequency or reality any longer. 

The truth is, many artists are stepping outside of that old paradigm and are embracing an abundant mindset—and you can too. 

Time to let go of the spell the old business has cast upon us? Yes! 

Try this:  

  • Practice an abundant mindset. Retrain your brain for abundance. Break free from the “poor starving artist syndrome” that the music business wants to keep you locked away in. You are an infinite divine creator who can attract the life you love with your positive abundant rich mindset. 
  • Practice gratitude. You can’t be in lack and be grateful at the same time. A daily practice of gratitude will raise your vibration to attract more abundance. List 3 quick things you are grateful for in the morning and the evening.  

Start here: Step Up Module 2: The Abundant Musician Mindset. Absorb and evolve your musician mindset to receive the abundance and free your musician self from the past paradigms! 

3. Align your brand with your mission and message

One of the biggest keys as a musician is to find your niche and differentiator in branding. To become more authentically you. There is something hardwired into every musician, a magical element that will only step forward when you are aligned with your authentic self. 

When you identify it, bring it into your brand. When your niche is well-identified, it’s much easier to weave it into your brand, your music, and all of your materials. You want the very essence of you to permeate the images, the music, the lyrics—all of it. Once you have weaved your authentic self into your brand, it will naturally attract the true audience that will follow you to the ends of the earth and buy everything you are offering.

Try this: 

  • When you are being your authentic self, what kind of music do you want to make?
  • Close your eyes. What do you envision? What are you wearing? What does the stage show look like? Spend time daydreaming into the experience you want to create.
  • Now, how can you bring these elements into your music, sound + direction?
  • What is the message in the vision? How are you different from other artists? 

Start here: Inside Module 3 of my Step Up to the Spotlight Artist Development Program are the 22 Essential Elements of a Magnetic Music Brand. They will unlock the keys to align your music and niche right to your brand. 

Get the 10-Day Free Trial here: Step Up to the Spotlight Artist Development Program 

4. Build a vision for your journey

Envision where you are headed – aka your life plan. 

It’s hard to build the path when you don’t know exactly where you want to go. And yes, you build the path by walking, but we can open up the streams of energy by setting our intention and envisioning the future we want to step into. 

Try this:  

  • Envision where you want to be in 2-3 years.
    • What does it look like?
    • What are you doing?
    • Who are you performing with?
    • Where are you performing? 

When you tap into future timelines, you can gather information about possible pathways for you. It’s a powerful exercise in stepping into who you want to be and tapping your imagination to open doors for you. 

Once you have a vision of the future time you’d like to create, it is easier to set goals and then apply the strategies and music models in the industry to reach them. 

To learn more about the paths other artists have walked to create their success: 

  • Study other artist’s journeys. Read Wikipedias, and watch documentaries.
  • Follow other artists who are further along than you. Join their lists, and study what they do.
  • Learn, grow, envision. Step into your future self—now.

Get the 10-Day Free Trial here: Step Up to the Spotlight Artist Development Program 

5. Step up your artist development plan every year

Now back to the craft piece. Set your artist development plan to grow artistically alongside your other goals and plans with marketing and for your life. Your music plans should align with your life plans. 

Planning out your artist development growth for the year is paramount to producing a higher level of productivity. 

With craft being the cornerstone of success in music you want to consistently feed and nurture that part of you. Think of your favorite artists. Do you love them because they are good at marketing or because they are amazing artists? 

Try this:  

  • Uplevel your craft. What areas would you like to level up?
    • Voice
    • Songwriting
    • Production
    • Musicianship
    • Theory

Start here: Step Up Module 5: 52 Week Artist Development Plan to kickstart your next year of artistic growth. Step into becoming the artists of your dreams. It’s waiting for you to step up. 

Get the 10-Day Free Trial here: Step Up to the Spotlight Artist Development Program 

6. Align your music career with your purpose

When I am planning an artist’s career I am always focused on first aligning their career with their purpose and life plan. What is your purpose with your music? Aligning your music with your purpose is the key to your success.

Working with artists for over 4 decades and being one myself, it took me a long time to realize that my gifts as a musician would be when I connected my life plan and purpose in to my music and that it was the key to my career success.

Next, what path is best for you that fits your life plan and lifestyle?

Start by learning the Artist Paths inside my Step Up to the Spotlight Kickstart Artist Development Program. These are some of the unique paths artists have followed that you would never know from the outside.

As a vocal coach and artist development expert helping artists rise for almost 4 decades now, I have watched the most amazing transformations take place.

And in sessions over the years I found myself saying similar things and using similar methodologies over and over again. It helped me to refine the process and journey for artists to evolve and grow.

So I finally wrote it all down and laid out the process in a step-by-step format. This process walks you through all of the secret keys that unlock the doors to your most brilliant musician self.

Many artists say they wish they found me sooner—often through some tears. In fact, I wish I had known these keys when I was pursuing music—it would have unlocked many doors for me. But I believe I was put on a path to find them, to make it easier for others.

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To get started on your journey – Get the 10-Day Free Trial to my 6 week Step Up to the Spotlight Artist Development Program. We give you a step-by-step system of how to step up your artistry and carve a successful path in music inside. Become the artist of your life and astonish your audience! 

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Hi, I’m Cari Cole.

You’ve got talent, but you want to become great at it. You’re in the right place! My mission is to help you refine your unique artist vision to bring to the world.

About Cari Cole

Cari Cole is the CEO / Founder of caricole.com and CCVM: Label Without Walls. She is a Holistic Vocal Coach, Artist Development Expert, A&R Director, and Songwriter based in New York City helping artists for the past 38 years. She is a mentor for Women in Music and The Association of Independent Music Publishers.

Her latest venture, CCVM a label services company, provides artists with a seamless path from creation to completion. After 30+ years of observing the overwhelm and challenges that artists face, Cari pulled together the best top creative professionals and designed a new approach to supporting our artists.

The information provided on Cari Cole's website is informational only and should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on Cari Cole's website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

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... I’ll show you how to manifest your music and get on track to the career of your dreams.

Kickstart your craft + career with FREE access to my Step Up to the Spotlight Artist Development Program

30 Videos      30+ Worksheets      52 Week Artist Plan

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