Private Mentorship Sessions with Cari Cole


Are you looking for some honest, supportive and professional guidance and feedback on your voice and music? I know it can seem somewhat daunting to meet with a professional coach, but it’s one of the best things I ever did in my life.

In our session, we’ll do a deep dive into your voice and music, addressing all areas needing attention. Walk away with clarity, insight, and real actionable solutions to exactly what you need. From building an award-winning singing voice with my Cole Vocal Method, to creating your rise in music with my artist development plan, you will move forward empowered with knowledge, know-how and customized guidance. I can’t wait to meet you and get started!

With love and support,

Cari Cole Vocal Coach Signature

Inside Your Session

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Step 1

Book a 1:1 Private Session held via Zoom from the comfort of your home or studio. Choose from voice, brand, strategy, A&R, Songwriting, and all of the Artist Development pieces you need to fly. Book a 60 min or 30 min session to experience a transformation and get the clarity and direction for your next steps. *Bundles available XXX

Step 2

During our Session, XXXX

In addition, vocal sessions come with access to my Singer’s Gift Vocal Warmups or Vocal Rescue Kit to accelerate your progress.

Step 3

Following your Session, you will receive a pdf with my next steps for you along with additional guidelines. *All sessions are recorded for replay and available for download following your meeting.
Women in Music Logo

30 Years in Music. Female owned + operated.

Book a Session

Transform Your Voice, Artistry + Music In Private Sessions with Cari Cole

All sessions held on Zoom and recorded for replay.



Private 1:1 Vocal Analysis Session | 30 min

with CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls, Cari Cole

The Vocal Analysis Session is a professional assessment of your singing voice. Discover your vocal qualities, areas to develop and improvements to step into your best voice. Analysis includes: vocal tone, timbre, range, texture and overall characteristics including strengths and weaknesses. Submit a vocal demo or sing live at the session for a complete analysis. *This session can also be used to review vocal demos or vocal mixes.


Private 1:1 Vocal Mastery Session | 60 min

with CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls, Cari Cole

The Vocal Mastery Session is an introduction to The Cole Vocal Method™: a holistic Vocal Technique System to building a consistently strong and healthy award-winning voice. Discover top innovative methods to dramatically improve the production and performance of your voice in this session. The Cole Vocal Method™ improves the sound and production of the singing voice by addressing the core mechanics of the voice. The method strips away compensatory muscles that constrict the instrument and strengthens the core production of the voice. The Cole Vocal Method™ improves the technical voice, but doesn’t take away style or individuality. Get your voice on the path to vocal strength, agility, vocal health and freedom. 

*Comes with immediate access to Cari’s Singers Gift Vocal Warmups ($97 value), a vocal exercise regimen and Cari’s Daily Vocal Practice Log to track your progress. *If you already have The Singers Gift, inquire at to swap for our Vocal Rescue Kit vocal therapy exercise program. If you have both already, Cari will teach the Master Vocal Exercises. 

Session held on Zoom.

*Returning clients can book Vocal Mastery Sessions for next set of exercises from The Cole Vocal Method™(CVM). Get an assessment of your practice, tune-ups and new techniques as well as new exercises and personalized guidance. Write in to for your coupon and more information. Package rates also available.  


“Working with Cari has been an incredible experience for me. She has an amazing gift for understanding the many facets from the technical to the mental, emotional and physical aspects. She really helps you understand what you are doing and how it all works!” ~ Diane Birch

Private 1:1 Vocal Therapy Session | 60 min

with CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls, Cari Cole

The Vocal Therapy Session is a complete assessment of your vocal health and your singing voice. In session we address all of the potential problem areas and provide techniques and therapies to help restore your vocal health. We use a holistic approach combining vocal therapy techniques, natural remedies, and mindset for preventative care and long term health. Cari can often find solutions for stubborn or hard to diagnose issues. Participants fill out a detailed Vocal Health Questionnaire prior to the session. *This session can also be used to help determine the severity of vocal issues and whether you should consider a vocal scope or treatment. 

*Comes with immediate access to Cari’s Vocal Rescue Kit ($97 value) that includes Vocal Therapy, Speaking Exercises and Cool Downs for vocal conditioning and reduction in inflammation. Includes a vocal therapy exercise program and vocal health regimen for vocal recovery and wellness.


“Cari's vocal therapy exercises and techniques should be in every singer’s toolbox! Before I was introduced to Vocal Therapy, I was struggling with vocal tension, raspiness, and going hoarse after singing. Enter Cari Cole and her exercises - it’s like being led by her in person each day to soothe your voice back to its full potential. I can feel my voice having more smoothness, stamina, and feel more confident with my singing and even my speaking. The exercises Cari has crafted address every aspect of vocal health and should not be overlooked!”
~ Melyssa Lee

Private 1:1 Vocal Arranging Session | 60 min

with CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls, Cari Cole

The Vocal Arranging Session elevates your vocal performance in a song. In session we design the vocal roadmap of your song to heighten the emotion and delivery in preparation for recording or performance. In session, Cari will craft a customized vocal arrangement building upon your natural voice and style. She will develop a dynamic arrangement, improving phrasing and deepening the overall emotional impact and delivery of the song. Arrangements are customized to your voice, style and genre. Participants send in lyrics to one song prior to the session. *This session can also be used to analyze a vocal demo and make arrangement suggestions.

*Comes with access to Cari’s Vocal Arranging Guide and Vocal Comping Guide.


“Recording vocals is always super personal. There’s always that feeling of vulnerability and nervous excitement. Really wanting to tap into that memory and pull up those emotions so they are present in the music. One of the vocal coaches I work with is Cari Cole in New York City. She’s also a vocal arranger. A vocal arranger goes through every single word, vowel, syllable, phrase and accent until it’s as good as it can possibly be. But the amazing thing about this experience, is that it helped bring out the emotion. I thought I would be overthinking it, and it wouldn’t be organic anymore, but it was actually the exact opposite. It actually freed up the emotion in the song.” ~ Robyn Cage


Private 1:1 Music Review Session | 30 min

with CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls, Cari Cole

The Music Review is a professional review of your music. Get direct and supportive feedback on songs, production, concept, A&R, and overall sound + direction. Great for when you are lining up material for your next release or need specific feedback on your music or production. Get constructive, detailed feedback and guidance to bring your music to its fullest potential. Music is submitted and reviewed prior to the session. *This session can also be used to review production or mixes.


Private 1:1 Brand Review Session | 30 min

with CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls, Cari Cole

The Brand Review is a professional assessment of your music brand. Hit refresh on your brand and persona. Discover how to stand out and find key elements to identify your unique selling proposition and differentiator to attract a stronger audience and stand out in the marketplace. Great to set up prior to releasing new material or for help hitting refresh on your “look” and image. Participants fill out a Brand Review Profile Form reviewed prior to the session. Walk away with actionable steps to accelerate your music and brand. Materials submitted are reviewed prior to the session. *This session can also be used to review updates or to hit refresh on your Brand.


Private 1:1 A&R (Artist & Repertoire) Session | 60 min

with CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls, Cari Cole

In the A&R Direction Session we design the sound + direction for your next project. Participants fill our curated A&R Profile Form that details your influences, listening history, current obsessions, and profiles your defining moments in life to extract your “why”. Cari reviews your form prior to the session and then during the session creates an official A&R Profile complete with your sound, direction, message and a few song concepts that are aligned with your “why”. *This session can also be used to listen to demos written so far for an existing or upcoming project (Songs sent in ahead of time will be listened to prior to the session).

*Comes with an A&R Profile, song concepts, and reference tracks of your sound and direction to give to your producer and use with your next project. 


"This whole process honestly has been one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. Having you as a mentor Cari has been fantastic, your wisdom is very enlightening, I really appreciate everything you do for us artists. I’ve had so many realizations as a writer to write songs that make more of an impact.” ~ Lilly Yan

Private 1:1 Artist Development Session | 60 min

with CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls, Cari Cole

In the Artist Development Session we identify where you are in your career and what your next few years should be focused on as well as outline your next steps. Then we walk through the process of development to forecast the journey from where you are to where you want to be. Artist Development is the process a musician goes through to develop their craft and the skills necessary to build a professional career in the music industry. The process involves vocal training, songwriting, A&R direction, development of sound and direction, artist persona development, image and branding, music and video production, live performance development, marketing message and career planning and strategy.

*Comes with the Steps to Stardom and Artist Development Checklist and Roadmap.


"I could write a book about how much CCVM has helped me. I'll never forget the first time I heard Cari Cole speak about artist development ten years ago. There was so much passion in her voice, it was clear that helping artists is more than her business, it's her calling. She's been my mentor ever since. Cari's mentorship has been invaluable to my artistic development. Working with her has grown my vocal ability and songwriting, and clarified my vision as an artist." ~ Andre Henry

Private 1:1 Career Direction Session | 60 min

with CEO/Founder of CCVM Label w/o Walls, Cari Cole

In the Career Development Session we’ll explore your career goals, what needs to be in place to get there and carve a strategy and plan. You’ll get the direction and clarity you need with a plan to reach your next level. Half the battle is not knowing how to carve your path. Trying too hard to fit yourself into the industry, rather than fitting the industry to you. In this session we go deep into your goals, what kind of career you want to have, and then lay out the path and strategy to get there, filling in the gaps and avoiding the detours that can stall a career. There is a lot of generic advice out there that may not fit you. Building a strategy that fits you, your goals and your music will help to create momentum in that direction for you. Nothing like customized professional guidance to reach your music goals. Let’s look for those golden opportunities you might be missing to move you forward. This session can be used to explore career direction, set goals, or strategize a career path or record release.

*Comes with The Artist Success Gameplan and the 1000 True Fans Blueprint.


"Working with Cari is the single most influential choice I have made on my path to becoming a professional recording artist. Cari seems to have an innate sensitivity towards people's true selves. Cari saw and believed in my potential, I think, even more than I did. She has helped me put together my band, and been there to guide me while I find my sound and style as an artist. She has awesome connections, and with her council I showcased for labels, formed relationships with music managers and became a signed artist. I know if it weren't for Cari, I would still just be dreaming of what could be. When I started working with her I expected to improve vocally- but I got so much more than I bargained for. She is a friend, and a mentor, and her steadfast commitment has changed my course as an artist for the better." ~ Rainsford


Interested in booking a bundle to save? See more information on our Private Session Bundles below.

Book a 3-30 minute or 60 minute Session Bundle

For information on custom packages of 4 or more sessions, reach out to


3-30 Minute Sessions


3-60 Minute Sessions

“Working with Cari is the single most influential choice I have made on my path to becoming a professional recording artist. Since I was very young I have had dreams of becoming a ‘pop star’- envisioning myself on a big stage, with bright lights, singing my guts out. But illustrious fantasies are nothing without the right guidance. Luckily for me, I found Cari Cole. Cari seems to have an innate sensitivity towards people’s true selves. Cari has helped me get to the bottom of my messages and is able to see the parts of my songs that need some work. Cari saw and believed in my potential, I think, even more than I did. She has been there to guide me while I find my sound and style as an artist. She has awesome connections, and with her council I showcased for labels, formed relationships with music managers and became a signed artist. I know if it weren’t for Cari, I would still just be dreaming of what could be. When I started working with her I expected to improve- but I got so much more than I bargained for. She is a friend, and a mentor, and her steadfast commitment has changed my course as an artist for the better.”


“”When the pandemic hit and derailed all of my plans, I was feeling lost and defeated. My management deal was in jeopardy and I was ready to abandon my dream of pursuing music altogether. But then, in the midst of my despair, I stumbled upon Cari Cole and everything changed. I began to feel inspired to create new music and began to grow as an artist once again. Then, something truly magical happened. With newfound confidence and a fresh perspective, I found a talented producer and we created an album that ended up being featured in some of the biggest alternative magazines and music media outlets in Germany. We even got a feature in Rolling Stone magazine! Now, my latest single is streaming like crazy, and I’ve had the opportunity to perform at showcases abroad. In fact, my album hit number one on iTunes’ rock genre in Finland! All of this is thanks to the kind, firm, empowering, and just plain perfect mentorship of Cari Cole. Her expertise and encouragement have been invaluable to me, and I am forever grateful for our collaboration.”


“I have been working with Cari and her team on my next album, and I’m blown away by how much I have been able to up my game. The ability Cari has to gently coax what’s deep inside of you out, is truly life-changing. I also have been working with Cari on my voice. I have literally gone from having issues where I could barely speak, to building my voice where the first show I played after only four months of working with Cari, I had fans who have seen me perform lots of times approaching me to tell me how they can’t believe the changes in my voice, and that it’s the best they have EVER heard me sing. Then they’d ask, ‘…what have you been doing?!?’ All I could answer was simply, ‘Training with Cari Cole!’ Pretty cool as I had only been working with Cari on my voice for just about five months at that point! It’s truly been a career-changing move for me to work with Cari & her team at CCVM. Cari, I can’t thank you enough!! If you are on the fence, don’t be. You won’t regret it. Cari & her team are AMAZING!”


“Working with Cari is the single most influential choice I have made on my path to becoming a professional recording artist. Since I was very young I have had dreams of becoming a ‘pop star’- envisioning myself on a big stage, with bright lights, singing my guts out. But illustrious fantasies are nothing without the right guidance. Luckily for me, I found Cari Cole. Cari seems to have an innate sensitivity towards people’s true selves. Cari has helped me get to the bottom of my messages and is able to see the parts of my songs that need some work. Cari saw and believed in my potential, I think, even more than I did. She has been there to guide me while I find my sound and style as an artist. She has awesome connections, and with her council I showcased for labels, formed relationships with music managers and became a signed artist. I know if it weren’t for Cari, I would still just be dreaming of what could be. When I started working with her I expected to improve- but I got so much more than I bargained for. She is a friend, and a mentor, and her steadfast commitment has changed my course as an artist for the better.”


“”When the pandemic hit and derailed all of my plans, I was feeling lost and defeated. My management deal was in jeopardy and I was ready to abandon my dream of pursuing music altogether. But then, in the midst of my despair, I stumbled upon Cari Cole and everything changed. I began to feel inspired to create new music and began to grow as an artist once again. Then, something truly magical happened. With newfound confidence and a fresh perspective, I found a talented producer and we created an album that ended up being featured in some of the biggest alternative magazines and music media outlets in Germany. We even got a feature in Rolling Stone magazine! Now, my latest single is streaming like crazy, and I’ve had the opportunity to perform at showcases abroad. In fact, my album hit number one on iTunes’ rock genre in Finland! All of this is thanks to the kind, firm, empowering, and just plain perfect mentorship of Cari Cole. Her expertise and encouragement have been invaluable to me, and I am forever grateful for our collaboration.”


“I have been working with Cari and her team on my next album, and I’m blown away by how much I have been able to up my game. The ability Cari has to gently coax what’s deep inside of you out, is truly life-changing. I also have been working with Cari on my voice. I have literally gone from having issues where I could barely speak, to building my voice where the first show I played after only four months of working with Cari, I had fans who have seen me perform lots of times approaching me to tell me how they can’t believe the changes in my voice, and that it’s the best they have EVER heard me sing. Then they’d ask, ‘…what have you been doing?!?’ All I could answer was simply, ‘Training with Cari Cole!’ Pretty cool as I had only been working with Cari on my voice for just about five months at that point! It’s truly been a career-changing move for me to work with Cari & her team at CCVM. Cari, I can’t thank you enough!! If you are on the fence, don’t be. You won’t regret it. Cari & her team are AMAZING!”


Robyn Cage
“Vocals are super personal. There’s always that feeling of vulnerability and nervous excitement preparing a song. A feeling of really wanting to tap into that memory and pull up those emotions so they are present in the music. One of the vocal coaches I work with is Cari Cole in New York City. She’s also a vocal arranger. A vocal arranger goes through every single word, vowel, syllable, phrase and accent until it’s as good as it can possibly be. But the amazing thing about this experience, is that it helped bring out the emotion. I thought I would be overthinking it, and it wouldn’t be organic anymore, but it was actually the exact opposite. It actually freed up the emotion in the song.”

“In nearly 15 years working as a professional singer-songwriter I never received the kind of guidance and support that Cari Cole offers in her Circles. My voice, now a stronger instrument, that I had the pleasure of testing it next to the world’s most beloved tenor Andrea Bocelli who invited me to sing alongside him. I was able to reach high notes with such power that the press spent 30 minutes interviewing me on my vocal accomplishments, picking my brain for how I did it. I could only say “Cari Cole!” Working with Cari is truly an amazing gift. Do it!”


“Working with Cari has been, and continues to be an incredible experience for me. She has an amazing gift for understanding the many facets from the technical to the mental, emotional and physical aspects. She really helps you understand what you are doing and how it all works!”


Dive deeper with the Vocal Mastery Program

A 3 month Private 1:1 Vocal Program with Cari Cole


The Vocal Mastery Program is a 4-month Customized Private 1:1 Vocal Program with Cari Cole where participants are taught The Cole Vocal Method™. Expand your vocal range, build a stronger vocal technique, address vocal issues, or prepare for your next show or tour. Comes with over 70+ exercises on audio and video. To get started, applicants fill out the form below to be considered.

*Spots for the Vocal Mastery Program open up every 3-6 months.



Cari Cole Vocal Coach Signature
Learn Cari’s complete vocal technique method and system for
building a consistently strong and healthy voice.

The Cole Vocal Method™ (CVM) is a holistic vocal technique method that builds a strong and healthy professional singing voice. It is a complete master voice building system from A-Z with over 70+ vocal exercises included on audio and video. The Cole Vocal Method™ (CVM) is a holistic singing system that dramatically improves the production and performance of the singing voice and builds an award winning professional voice. It is a complete method of exercises that address the mechanics of the voice with techniques that strip away the compensatory muscles that “compensate” for the lack of strength and development in the core muscles and coordination of the voice. The method then strengthens the core foundation of the vocal instrument creating a resilient instrument that can hold up to professional demands. 

The CVM doesn’t take away style by overtraining and perfecting, but strengthens the physical instrument while protecting the natural sound and individuality of each singer. The Cole Vocal Method was evolved over 3 generations of teaching professional singers. It comes from a true form of Italian opera singing and regards the health of the voice as integral to vocal production throughout all of the exercises. Experience the path to vocal freedom.

The CVM is a complete master voice building system from A-Z with over 70+ vocal exercises included on audio and video. The CVM includes The Singers Gift Vocal Warmups, The Vocal Rescue Kit, The 38 Master Voice Building Exercises and The Fundamental Exercises. 

For more information about The Cole Vocal Method CLICK HERE.

Wondering Where to Start?

Schedule a Free 15-min Artist Discovery Call

Our mission is to support you every step of the way. Have questions about private session, packages, or your next steps? Reach out to or schedule a Free Artist Discovery Call with a member of our team.


CEO/Founder, Celebrity + Holistic Vocal Coach, Artist Development Expert, A&R Director, Vocal Arranger

Cari Cole is the CEO / Founder of and CCVM: Label w/o Walls. She is a Celebrity + Holistic Vocal Coach, Artist Development Expert, A&R Director based in New York City. She has worked with some of the biggest names in entertainments. Her client list includes Grammy winners, legends, rockstars, contestants on The Voice, American Idol, Songland and thousands of independent artists worldwide. She is a mentor for Women in Music and was on the Board of Directors for the NY Singing Teachers Association.

Cari and her Team have worked with: Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, Kelsea Ballerini, FINNEAS, Tori Kelly, Michelle Branch, Rita Ora, JoJo, Jason Mraz, Adam Lambert, AKON, Lights, Aloe Blacc, Journey, Donald Fagen/Steely Dan, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Courtney Love, Jeremy Zucker, Chelsea Cutler & Rainsford, Melanie, Nena Kerner (99 Balloons). Cari’s Songwriters write for Kobalt Records, Warner Chappel, Sony/ATV, and have been featured on NBC’s Songland, The Voice and American Song Contest. Her artists have been featured on American Idol, The Voice, NPR Tinydesk, Grammy Awards, CMT Awards, Americana Music Awards, and Songland.

Learn more about Cari Cole here.

Cari Signature_White

Cari Cole
Founder + Director of CCVM Label Services


A Step-by-Step Method to a Strong and Healthy Award-Winning Voice

Join our FREE Workshop Thursday,
May 9th at 3:30pm ET

*Limited seats available

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... I’ll show you how to manifest your music and get on track to the career of your dreams.

Kickstart your craft + career with FREE access to my Step Up to the Spotlight Artist Development Program

30 Videos      30+ Worksheets      52 Week Artist Plan




... I’ll show you how to manifest your music and get on track to the career of your dreams.

Kickstart your craft + career with FREE access to my Step Up to the Spotlight Artist Development Program

30 Videos      30+ Worksheets      52 Week Artist Plan



save $$ with coupon: asmspecial (Expires 1/9 Midnight ET)

Announcing a brand new experience...

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8 weeks to your best performance, ever.

Ease. Execution. Excellence.

Cari Signature_White

Cari Cole
Founder + Director of CCVM Label Services


How to Give Stunning Vocal Performances and Recordings That Will Move Your Audiences to Their Feet and Leave a Lasting Legacy

Join our FREE Workshop Thursday,
September 28th at 12:00pm ET

*Limited seats available

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Cari Signature_White

Cari Cole
Founder + Director of CCVM Label Services


7 Ways to Get Your Songs Streaming Like Crazy, Playing on Repeat, and Blowing Up Your Career

Join our FREE Workshop
Wednesday, July 5th at 2:30pm ET

*Limited seats available

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Cari Signature_White

Cari Cole
Founder + Director of CCVM Label Services

CCVM.CO presents:

The 7 P's of
How to Build a Wildly
Successful + Sustainable
Career in Music

Join our FREE Workshop
Thursday, June 8th at 12:00pm ET

*Limited seats available

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Cari Cole Vocal Coach Signature

free vocal workshop

The Power of the
Singing Voice

Thursday, May 4th at 2:30pm ET
*Limited seats available

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announcing a brand new experience...

Cari Cole Vocal Coach Signature



Cari Cole Presents

Step Up to the Spotlight 3.0

6 Week Online Artist Development Program
Get Unstuck.
Build Your Plan.
Become the Artist of Your Life.
*Limited time pricing ends 8/23

Love yourself with a special gift...



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Monthly Musician






with Cari Cole



with Cari Cole

Cari Cole Vocal Coach Signature
Cari Signature_White

Black Friday


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Monthly Musician






with Cari Cole



with Cari Cole

Cari Cole Presents



12 Weeks. 12 Songs. Your Best Songs Ever.

*Program Starts July 19, 2023

Back by popular demand!

Cari Cole Presents:


20 minutes a day.
8 weeks.
Your best voice ever.

*Program starts February 7 - April 10, 2024

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