The Metamorphosis of the Modern Musician, Part II


by Cari Cole

The first Blog in this series, The Metamorphosis of the Modern Musician Part I, which you can read here, talked about the rise of the modern musician, and this moment in time as a gateway to the potential future we are creating. And how, not unlike the 60’s and 70’s, this time in history gives rise to the human voice, to music, to musicians everywhere – to speak up, speak out. History is demanding it of all of us now. We have an opportunity. What resounds loudly in my ear for this time and for awhile now, is the thought that music is about service, not celebrity.

It is here to help people. It is a potent medicine. Put on a song, and in an instant, your world changes.

In this blog I want to talk about the journey of the modern musician, the process, the evolution, the incarnations, the revelations, revolution and even — reinvention. Every artist, like it or not, is on a journey of self-discovery. On a hunt to find the right combination of ingredients in their music and message – the magic recipe or ancient alchemy that will turn their art into gold. To put their finger on the pulse of the world or their respective corner of the world and share their music with millions. Ask an artist if they want to make a million dollars or share their music with a million people and the answer is always the latter. Music is about service, not celebrity. The business would have you believe the latter. But as artists, let’s not confuse the two.

Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to be an artist. Not a marketer, not a social media expert, or booking agent, but an artist. You may have to be those other things for awhile on your climb, and have those skills, but first and foremost you are an artist. And if you’ve lost your way with that, it’s understandable with today’s to do list, but it’s time to get back to the most important part of your journey. Your evolution.




Every great artist goes through their own evolution and each one is different. And if you study them you can see it. Bowie, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Adele and most recently Father John Misty among others. And like the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly, an artist’s evolution is most often a complete and utter transformation, transmutation, reshaping – a reinvention.

All you have to do is fully accept your assignment as a musician. Don’t hold back and you are on the path of evolution.




It happens as a natural progression when you are paying attention. Paying attention to your art, your craft, when you are hard at work, focused on and fastened to making great music. When every breath you take is consumed by the music and creating your exceptional record, your work of art.

And most great art, that moves us, is born of some epiphany, revelation or insight. It’s roots or genesis in a perception or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something previously unknown or hidden. Usually initiated by a simple commonplace occurrence or experience.

Look for it, hunt for it — until you find it. And don’t be in a hurry or you’ll miss it.


You will have many dark days. Days when the path is not clear. Do not fret or worry. Do not concern yourself with outcomes. Concern yourself with the path, the journey, the evolution of your music.

Resistance is normal. Because art, like birth, is often arduous and unpleasant. Onerous, taxing, difficult, hard, challenging, heavy, laborious, burdensome, strenuous, vigorous, back-breaking.. ball breaking.

Don’t lose sight of the goal. The darker the night, the sweeter the victory.




And the journey is long — for everyone. It’s part of it. Because after awhile you get serious. You put aside your childish musings, dabblings, and you take yourself more seriously. You stop thinking someone is going to come along and rescue you and you start rescuing yourself.

I have mad respect for an Alum whose artistry and career in music we fostered for many years Rainsford, who had an article in Billboard recently said of her recent success “[I realized that] I need to stop being so shy and waiting for people to tell me what to do,” Rainsford says. “If I’m waiting on someone else, nothing will ever happen. I have to do this for myself.”

It’s in your hands baby. Ready for revolution? Check.




Once you’re re-evolving, your on the road to reinvention. If you go back and revisit your favorite musicians first records, and follow them through their subsequent records to right now, you can see the evolution, and if you look closer, the details of that evolution that might not be evident at first glance. Study it. Powerful medicine for your own reinvention. Where you are on that evolution-reinvention timeline will not be so evident until you move through it, but nonetheless you are on an inevitable course. Whether your course leads your ship out to sea, toward land or takes a detour is irrelevant to the course – it all is the course. Keep in mind that detours are an important part of the journey.

But this should help.

Rob Tannenbaum (a prior Alum of ours turned music journalist) writes in the NY Times:

“Josh Tillman had recorded eight albums under the name J. Tillman when he had an epiphany, prompted by his first (but not last) experience with a hallucinogenic drug: He should change his name as a way of rebooting his career. He was unsatisfied with the somber, sedentary folk songs he’d been making — “sad bastard music,” he called it — and wanted to spring free his sense of humor, absurdity and playfulness. Mr. Tillman, who had also played drums in the indie-rock band Fleet Foxes for four years, was readying the release of his 2012 album “Fear Fun.” A friend asked about the moniker, and Mr. Tillman unveiled it: Father John Misty.”

Coming from a past peppered with religion, but snubbing it all the same, Father John Misty’s new lease on music, his new record and his reinvention are serving him and his fans better than ever before.

Don’t be afraid of reinvention. Rather, seek it out.

As I said in the closing of Part I, but slightly differently here…

The time for great music is on the rise again. And you can be on the cusp of it. Do everything you can to rise up to meet it.

Get ready for your metamorphosis. Tune your inner channel to your inner truth. Radiate it like a cosmic sun as brightly and as brilliantly as you can.

Stay tuned for my next blog of The Metamorphosis of a Modern Musician, Part III…

I am you. You are me. We are the future — right here — right now. Let’s do this.


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Hi, I’m Cari Cole.

You’ve got talent, but you want to become great at it. You’re in the right place! My mission is to help you refine your unique artist vision to bring to the world.

About Cari Cole

Cari Cole is the CEO / Founder of and CCVM: Label Without Walls. She is a Holistic Vocal Coach, Artist Development Expert, A&R Director, and Songwriter based in New York City helping artists for the past 38 years. She is a mentor for Women in Music and The Association of Independent Music Publishers.

Her latest venture, CCVM a label services company, provides artists with a seamless path from creation to completion. After 30+ years of observing the overwhelm and challenges that artists face, Cari pulled together the best top creative professionals and designed a new approach to supporting our artists.

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